Are you ready for the National Insurance rise from April?

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Under the plans, employees, employers, and the self-employed will all pay 1.25p more in the pound for National Insurance from April 2022 for a year.

After that, the extra tax will be collected as a new Health and Social Care Levy.

The changes to National Insurance will see an employee on £20,000 a year pay an extra £89 in tax. Someone on £50,000 will pay £464 more.

From April, people earning under £9,880 a year, or £823 a month, will not have to pay National Insurance and will not have to pay the new levy.

Critics have said the increase will have a higher impact on the lower-paid and could contribute to inflation when household budgets are under pressure from rising energy prices and food bills.

And business leaders have warned that firms could offset the tax rise by raising prices.

Are you ready?


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